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3 Causes of Small Teeth and How to Fix Them

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sweetsmiles @ 5:08 pm
person smiling after having small teeth fixed

Recently, when looking through old photos, you realized that your smile looked different than that of your friends. After racking your brain to determine what differentiated you from them, you figured it out: your teeth look smaller than theirs. Several things can cause small teeth. Though you don’t have to have them fixed, many people find that the short look they give their smiles isn’t what they want. If you’re interested in having your small teeth fixed, read on to learn about three potential causes as well as three ways that your dentist can fix them.

3 Possible Causes of Microdontia

Microdontia is a condition that causes teeth to develop or appear to be smaller than usual. It can be hereditary or caused by a genetic disorder, cleft palate or other developmental issues, or a side-effect of radiation exposure. Excessive wear due to teeth grinding can also make teeth look small. The different kinds of Microdontia are:

  • Localized – This is also the most common form of microdontia and causes only one or a few teeth to be small. This usually affects the upper teeth and may impact either the root or crown.
  • Relative generalized – The teeth may be normal in size but look smaller than average due to a large jawbone or the gums extending over the teeth too far.
  • True generalized – Pituitary dwarfism, also called growth hormone deficiency, can cause this form of microdontia. When someone has this condition, the pituitary glands don’t produce enough growth hormones, which makes all the teeth smaller than average.

3 Ways to Fix Microdontia

Now that you know what can cause small teeth, how can your dentist fix them? A few methods they may use are:

  • Dental crowns – These are tooth-colored caps that surround the entire visible part of a tooth. They can be made from porcelain, resin, metal, or ceramic and are often used to repair damaged teeth. Fortunately, dental crowns can also make small teeth look larger. Some dentists also offer CEREC one-visit dental crowns, which allow you to complete treatment in just one visit.
  • Porcelain veneers – These are thin, custom-made, dental-grade porcelain shells that cover the front surface of your teeth to mask chips, cracks, gaps, discoloration, and several other cosmetic issues. They can also be used to change the size and shape of one’s teeth so that they look larger.
  • Cosmetic dental bonding – Though this can correct similar issues as veneers, bonding uses a composite resin instead of porcelain shells. It’s color-matched to your smile and can make your teeth look longer by slightly reshaping them.

Though small teeth can make your smile look shorter than average, it isn’t dangerous for your oral health. If you don’t like how they look, speak with your dentist about one of the above options so they can help you attain a beautiful, brag-worthy smile you love!

About the Practice

If small teeth are keeping you from loving your smile, Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry can help. They offer porcelain veneers, dental crowns, and bonding to make your teeth look larger, healthier, and more uniform. Soon, you’ll be showing off a gorgeous grin that you love! For more information on their services or to schedule an appointment with Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry, call their Milwaukee office at (414) 808-2003, their Grafton office at (262) 333-0540, their Mt. Pleasant office at (262) 672-2393, or visit their website.

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