Are you longing for permanent teeth that don’t slip or fall out when you eat or talk? Do you want a solution that won’t require you to spend endless hours and money having your teeth replaced or adjusted? If so, it’s time to talk to our professionals at Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry. While traditional dentures make it possible to live life with the appearance of a complete smile, they lack the stability, functionality, and longevity offered by implant dentures in Mt. Pleasant. Surgically anchored to the jawbone, these prosthetics offer a new method of treatment that millions of people are already enjoying. If you want to be one of the many living life with longer-lasting teeth, contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Implant dentures are small titanium screw-like posts that fit within the jawbone to create a stable foundation for your new smile. Capable of mimicking the natural tooth root, dental implants offer what no other tooth replacement can, which is a complete root-to-crown replacement. Offering maximum stimulation to your jawbone, these prosthetics serve as the foundational basis for your new, customized denture that attaches into place.
The type of denture you receive is ultimately up to you and our dental team, which you will discuss during your initial consultation:
Referred to as a hybrid prosthesis, a fixed denture uses between four and six dental implants, and it cannot be removed by anyone other than a qualified implant dentist in Mt. Pleasant. You will need ample jawbone density to have this type of denture.
A removable denture is also known as a “Snap-On denture” and is less strict when it comes to the amount of jawbone needed. Using only two to five dental implants, our team can strategically place each implant, holding them into place with a bar- or ball-retained device. They are easily removed at night when preparing for cleaning.
The dental implant process is actually quite straightforward, but it does require much patience, as it does take several months to complete. Fortunately, we can complete the entire process in-house, so you don’t have to waste time traveling to other dental offices.
To help you better understand the entire process, here is a brief breakdown:
Knowing whether you are a candidate for treatment requires scheduling an initial consultation with a Sweet Smiles Family Dentistry team member. Most adults who are suffering from tooth loss are eligible for this type of service; however, we must determine:
You will find that by combining dentures and dental implants, you can experience a breadth of benefits that no one tooth replacement solution can provide, such as:
9:00am – 6:00pm
9:00am – 6:00pm
9:00am – 6:00pm
9:00am – 6:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm